Saturday, September 1, 2012

St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral - Chicago, Illinois

St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral 
Chicago, Illinois 
Image Courtesy: Istanoy
Located on Chicago's West Side, this beautiful cathedral is a registered landmark. It has a new website that is well worth visiting. There you can read about its amazing history and the people who lovingly built this a beautiful House of Worship and gathering center. 
 An interesting shot
Image Courtesy: Istanoy
If anyone has ever gone to Kiev, Ukraine (or lives there) then they will immediately see that this cathedral in Chicago was lovingly modeled after the 11th c St. Sophia's Cathedral located in Kiev.
Stunning St. Sophia's
Kiev, Ukraine
Image courtesy: Wikipedia
This gorgeous photo of St. Nicholas church in Chicago prove its similarity.
 As does this!

Please visit both the St Nicholas' Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral's great website and Chicago Architecture and Cityscape for more great information about this stunning and historic church located in Chicago and dedicated to... Nicholas of Myra!
Amazing Chicago


Out on the prairie said...

Can't remember seeing it, but in that town there is lots to see.I take the train over a lot.

Steve Finnell said...

you are invited to follow my blog

Lois Evensen said...

What beautiful churches!

Diane said...

That is gorgeous, I would love to see the inside. have a good weekend, Diane

Ann said...

Both beautiful churches. If I ever go to Chicago I'll have to look for it

Pat said...

Beautiful churches. Thanks for sharing them xx