Sunday, May 27, 2012

St. Nicholas Chapel - Kriti II Ferry Boat, Ionian, Sea

St. Nicholas Chapel
Kriti II Ferry Boat
Ionian Sea
Image above courtesy: Marine Traffic
Look what my friend at KTM 990 Adventure found for me when crossing the Ionian Sea on the Kriti II Ferry Boat from Patras, Greece to Venice, Italy recently! A St. Nicholas Chapel on board!
St. Nicholas Chapel Sign
(Agios Nikolaos)
The chapel!
All images that follow courtesy: KTM 990 Adventure
And from the front...
And from the side as one passes down the hall...
Quite an amazing  Saint Nicholas Chapel! 
Since this Ferry Boat has been plying the seas since 1979 I'd say the owners of the line are quite smart to have a chapel dedicated to St. Nicholas - that intrepid patron saint of sailors - on board!
Here's an especially happy traveler...
And a view of Venice from the boat...
And upon the high seas heading toward Greece...
My friend took a fabulous trip around Europe on his super-duper KTM motorbike - the passage on the Kriti II was just a small part of it.
All packed up!
He will be posting about his trip on his site so if you want to see some fabulous pictures - and learn a little about motorbike travel - have a look and say "Hi" via a comment if you have time.
Here's a preview of some of what he will be posting...
Many thanks to KTM Adventure 990 for telling me about such a great - and unusual - St. Nicholas chapel (and for the photos)!!


Draffin Bears said...

Hi Anne,

Lovely way to cruise to your destination

Happy Sunday

Diane said...

How unusual, I have never seen a chapel on a ferry before and we use them quite often. Take care Diane

Sara said...

A St. Nick chapel onboard a ferry boat?! I can honestly say that I've never seen that before! Your friend's trip sounds amazing and I'll definitely be sure to check out his site -- gorgeous photos :)

Lois Evensen said...

What a beautiful sea-going chapel! We have a chapel on our ship, too, but it is so much more modern-looking. I love the older chapel. The view of Venice from the sea is familiar, too. We have been there many times by sea.

Just love your post!


Ann said...

who would have thought you would have found a chapel on board a ferry. Very cool

Zuzana said...

This sure sounds like an incredible adventure.;) Never knew that there was a ferry from Venice to Greece, how extraordinary.;) And how serendipitous that they ha a St.Nicholas chapel on board.;))
Hope all is we with you,

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

YOU, dear Ann, manage to find a St. Nicholas church ANYWHERE, even on the sea!!!This is so wonderful, as I love the water and must DREAM the water at least 3 times a week!!!!

THANK YOU for coming on a Roman Holiday with us! Now go and rent that film and ENJOY good old fashioned movie making! And Mr. Peck is a sight for sore eyes, let me tell ya......


Ola said...

I did not know that there are chappels on the ferries!
amazing shots outside and inside!

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Angelsdoor * Penny said...

what an incredible adventure that would be... and to top it all of a Chapel on board. I do believe this is one of my favorites Ann.
Thank you so much for visitng and kind words...

Pat said...

Wow! Who'd have thought it? A chapel on board -and its lovely - off to your friend's blog now :)
the photos he's shared are pretty amazing xx

troutbirder said...

Beauti ful pictures. This particular crossing does not have favorable memories for me. I was crossing with a group of my high school students on the night NATO began bombing Serbia. Numerous Serbs were on board leaving Italy to return home.... Everyone was tense but in fact there were no problems.

Half-heard in the Stillness said...

Hello Ann, just catching up with your posts. How amazing to find a St Nicholas Chapel on a ship!!
Ooh! the photograph of Venice looks so beautiful, it's somewhere I've always wished to visit.

Hope you are well my friend, sorry to have been absent for such a long while. ;(

Hugs to you

Alfano said...

Yes, finding a chapel on the ferry took me by surprise also.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

What a wonderful church on a ship. Thanx. I enjoyed this one.

Look what I've found. This St Nicholas Church is wonderful inside. I don't know if you've featured it here.!

God bless.

Anonymous said...

Great photos!

My Mind's Eye said...

Hi Ms. Ann and Edward,
OMC these pictures are absolutely breathtaking. How nice to have a St. Nicholas Chapel on the ferry. Is the puppy the ferry mascot?
Hugs Madi and Mom

K9 Katastrophie said...

Hey, we have an award for you & Edward at my blog!
