Sunday, October 16, 2011

St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church - Seldovia, Alaska

St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church
Seldovia, Alaska
Postcard: Unique Products, Seldovia, AK 99663
Look what my friend, Helen, in Alaska sent to me! She and her husband were visiting their niece in Homer and she flew them to Seldovia! Yes, that's right - "flew them!" Now I don't know about you but that just seems a world away from my life where I get in a car and drive across America or Europe (depending on which continent I happen to be!). But being a very big fan of Discovery Chanel and devouring everything to do with Alaska (I admit, Ice Roads Truckers is one of my favorites!), I'm cognizant that air travel is often the best way to get around that amazing state. 
Knowing that I am on the lookout for St. Nicholas Churches around the world Helen very thoughtfully and kindly bought these postcards for me and sent them across the world (snail mail none-the-less!)so I could present this historic St. Nicholas Church to you!
So, here goes!
The Church by Day
Postcard: Unique Products, Seldovia, AK 99663
This structure was built in 1891 and had its first resident priest in 1896. The bell tower was installed in 1906. But even before this building was built, parishioners met in a log cabin church that was upon the beach. This building is set upon a hill. In 1981 the church was restored. Services are held each Saturday (Vespers) and Sunday (Divine Liturgy) still and it is registered with the National Historic Register.
Lovely Seldovia
Postcard: Unique Products, Seldovia, AK 99663
A Brochure from Seldovia
Courtesy of Seldovia Chamber of Commerce
I don't know about you...
But I sure would like to fly off and visit this historic St. Nicholas Church and beautiful Seldovia!
(Let's put it on the list, Helen, if ever I am able to come and visit you in fabulous Alaska! Thanks so much for sending all this information to me!)


Anonymous said...

Lovely post! Since I have been following your blog I have become interested in the beauty of Orthodox churches, their art and icons.
Blessings and prayers,

Out on the prairie said...

Very nice indeed.This is the only state I haven't visited.This is a tiny town so obviously many fly to church possibly.

Lois Evensen said...

How wonderful! Great pictures of a lovely old church. :)))) So nice that you have friends out here helping you find the St. Nicholas churches.

I continue to be on the lookout, too. :)

Hugs from Port Canaveral where it is very rainy today.


Half-heard in the Stillness said...

Hi Ann, Seldovia looks like a beautiful place!

Anonymous said...

Ann I have lots of the churches you wrote about on my bucket list.
How awesome to travel and visit these beautiful structures and getting to know their history (((envy)))
Helen is an A+ friend for sure...
BEAR HUGS ~victoria~

Junibears said...

What beautiful photos! How kind to send you postcards. Looks a gorgeous place.xx

Junibears said...

What beautiful photos! How kind to send you postcards. Looks a gorgeous place.xx

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Oh Ann! This is just beautiful... How very kind of Helen to send these off to you.. It would be grand to visit Alaska, yes?
Enjoy your Sunday and thank you for the lovely post.

Sherry Sikstrom said...

We took a cruise to Alaska a few years ago, all it did was make me want to see more! Beautiful places abound

Sara said...

I wouldn't mind hitching a ride on that flight with you too! Sounds like a fun plan :) And again... another great trip through the St. Nicholas churches of the world with you!

Pat said...

Fabulous postcards. Gorgeous church xx

Celestial Charms said...

Awww, isn't Helen a sweetie pie for doing such a wonderful thing. Looks like such a pretty church.

June said...

That was so kind of Helen to send these. I hope someday you are to visit yourself.
I am not a fan of flying Ann, so I don't think Alaska will ever be a destination for me. My husband's sister and husband live in Alaska and they would love for us to visit, but I would be happy if Dale went without me on this trip. His BIL's flying service is often on the show The Deadliest Catch and I know Dale would love the chance to go flying with Sam.

Alaska certainly is a gorgeous place though.
I hope you are enjoying a beautiful Autumn Ann.

BeadedTail said...

That'd be a fun church to visit for sure! It's a pretty church in a beautiful state!

Ola said...

what a discovery! This is so far away for me:)

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

YOU are amazing! You will go to the ends and heights and corners of the world to find the churches dedicated to this saint. LOVELY MY DEAR! And thank you so much, Ann for coming to visit me! I do hope my Etsy takes off and eventually opens doors for me elsewhere...I am wanting to make some changes in my work...but of course, I must be grateful for what I have because the economic situation is so bad. But teaching has become an overly stressful job and I am not sure if I can take it any longer. But then, my art is NOT developed enough...time will tell.


Terry said...

Hi Ann, I'm enjoying going through your blog - love that New Zealand church!

imac said...

A place I would love to visit.

James said...

I'm with imac! What an interesting place. Your blog is very interesting too. I'll be on the look out for St. Nicholas churches.

Thanks for the nice comment! :)

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Beautiful church in beautiful surroundings! Really wonderful! Cathy

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Please visit as I have a gift for you!! Cathy

Carole Burant said...

Such a wonderful gesture for Helen to do:-) I would love to visit Alaska one day as well, I know so many people who have been and fell in love with it. Just last night I was watching "Ice Road Truckers":-) Such an awesome coincidence that there's a St. Nicholas church in Seldovia! xoxo

LisaShaw said...

Dearest one, your passion comes through in your and history you share with us. I love that about you!

Thanks for sharing!

Blessings to you!

My Mind's Eye said...

Lovely church in Seldovia AK.
I love the siding and trim color
and of course the architecture.
If I ever get back to Alaska, I'll have to be sure to look at some of the churches more closely.
Hugs to you and Edward.
Madi and Mom

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

You always find the unusual. I have just returned from Tasmania and the churches there are small and mostly made of stone...often in lonely places with graves stones around. A church to me is holy ground. Much love my friend. xx

Debbie said...

Hi Ann....your images are wonderful!
My hubby wants to visit Alaska...I'd like to take an Alaskan cruise.

k said...

i have always wanted to visit alaska, mark has been there several times though!

Mimi said...

We were in Alaska this summer for a cruise, so didn't see this wonderful church!