Saturday, June 25, 2011

St. Nicholas Churches Around the World - Abingdon, U.K.

St. Nicholas Church
Abingdon, U.K.
Image Courtesy: St. Nicholas Church
Back to the land of churches that posses towers and chancels! This is an edifice with a long history. Built before the middle of the 10th century it was part of the great Benedictine Monastery of St. Mary at Abingdon which in turn was founded in 675. St. Nicholas church is one of the few buildings that survives from the Abbey today.
The Long Gallery 
Another Survivor of the Original Abbey
Image Courtesy: Wikipedia
Image by: Clare Ward
The Watercourse Dug by the Industrious Monks Between  955 and 963
Image courtesy: Wikipedia
The site of Abingdon Abbey's Church
Image courtesy: Wikipedia
This would have been a huge church!
The Gateway to the Abbey
(You can just see part of the wall of the beautiful St. Nicholas Church to its left)
And the church of St. Nicholas as seen today...
The most wonderful aspect about this church is the fact that it is still a church that welcomes people through it's ancient doors each day. It's mission statement reads: 
"To Worship God, to Grown in Faith and to Share Jesus Christ with Others"
In a land where many old churches are turned into homes or places of business this makes this historic building dedicated to St. Nicholas of Myra extra special...
Please visit St. Nicholas' website for much more information about its history!

And many many thanks to Diane of  Food, Fun and Life in the Charente for telling me about this historic church (close to where her husbands works!). And do visit her site - it is so much fun and...the lady knows how to tell history!


Diane said...

Thanks Anne for the link and the kind comments. I now know a lot more about Abingdon than I did before. Your research is excellent. Diane

Louise said...

What a beautiful church! And, I love all of the history behind it.

Louise said...

Ann, don't put this up, but, I just wondered how Edward was. I have been gone for a bit, and went scrolling through your past blogs, looking for information on him. I see where he got a toy, and, further back, where he was on the mend from his colon operation. I'm hoping that he is OK, and that the worries of the surgery are far behind him.

You can shoot me an answer on my blog, if you'd like.


Jacoba said...

If ever in Holland I would love to show you round in Utrecht. It has a rich medieval history and also a Nicholas church:
Sorry for not having been around your blog for a while. Time seems to fly faster and faster.
Happy weekend,

Southhamsdarling said...

I didn't have to travel very far to this one, Ann! Very interesting post, as always.

Pat said...

Fabulous old English church! They have such character :) xx

Carole Burant said...

It is indeed wonderful knowing that this church is still being used as a church! As you say, so many are converted into businesses and such, it's a real shame. Reading about the history behind it makes me so wish I could have seen it in its full glory when it was first built:-) xoxo

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

ANN DEAR! HOW ARE YOU! Long time, no see my dear. Are you having a great summer? I am off from school and it is fabulous to finally have room to breath. What a lovely church...I do NOT KNOW HOW YOU DO IT...finding all these churches!!!


Lois Evensen said...

What a pretty place! I love touring all the churches around the world with you.

Out on the prairie said...

the old stone is real nice. Can you imagine making a waterway by hand?

imac said...

Amazing knowledge you have my friend, just wonderful.

My Mind's Eye said...

Hi Ann and my little Prince was so good to hear from you and to see your beautiful posts from last Sat and yesterday.
We are tickled pink to hear that Prince Edward is jumping and romping just like a kitty should do.
Hugs to you all,
Madi and Mom

George The Lad said...

Thanks for your visit, I come to see you and its a Church in the UK!! intresting read, I will take note if I come across any St Nichloas churchs around where I live.
Hugs to Edward
Have a good week
See Yea George xxx

Elaine said...

Such varied architecture in the St. Nicholas churches! I am really amazed at how many there are around the world.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Sweet Ann, it is always a joy to see you pop in for a visit...and hmmmmmm...that kitty does resemble Sir Edward, doesn't he? Whoever he is, he certainly wants attention! Isn't that little girl darling with those BOOTS? teeeheeee

Oh sweet friend, I was moved by your comment; when I compose my posts, I do think of my audience, and I try and am TRYING EVEN MORE to be cognizant of reaching the basic human needs and curiosities that connect us all....I want so much to write like poets who are good observers of their world.


Draffin Bears said...

Hi Anne,

I loved seeing this church and there are some amazing ones all around the world.
Also the Church in Greece in the previous post is amazing.
Many thanks for sharing all your knowledge and I hope that you are having a great week.


Decor To Adore said...

I have been to this church~ years ago. Really lovely.

Happy 4th!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Precious Ann,

LIVE IN THE COLOR OF LOVE my friend....the hues change here and there, but we can be sure there is a rainbow at the end of our color chart! BLESSINGS TO YOU MY SWEET FRIEND and hugs to the fuzzy wuzzy one! Anita

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Dear Ann
I have missed you.. Sorry I am now just getting here. Thank you so much for coming to the wedding...
I have not been able to access my blog all week, but all seems to be ok now...
This is what I miss. Seeing all the beautiful Churches..
Enjoy your weekend

k said...

that's cool that you can still visit it :) :) i hope you had a great 4th!!

DeniseinVA said...

Such a lovely post, a beautiful place.