Tuesday, March 29, 2011

St. Nicholas Churches Around the World - Lezhe, Albania

Cathedral of St. Nicholas
Skanderbeg's Grave
The historic Cathedral of Lezhe, which was dedicated to St. Nicholas, owes its continued care to the fact that Albania's national hero, George Skanderbeg, was buried here in 1468. As see in the above photo, a modern building was built above the early middle ages cathedral to protect what was left of it and even more, the resting place of the general who fought the incursions of the Ottoman Turks into Christian lands for most of his adult life.
Image Courtesy: Albania - The Land of the Illyrians
Much of the original church still exists: frescoes, apse, three windows, the door and other decorations. 
Skanderbeg's Mausoleum in St. Nicholas Cathedral
Lezhe's Castle on the Hill Behind
Image courtesy: Wikipedia
Although not too many outside of Albania know his name today, during the 16th and 17th centuries George Skanderbeg was known around the Christian world. Many were the works penned by such illustrious writers and composers concerning his heroic life. Among them are Henry W. Longfellow, Byron, Ludvig Holberg, Antonio Vivaldi and Francois Francoeur.
Portrait of George Kastrioti Skanderbeg
Image Courtesy: Wikipedia
Location: The Uffizi, Florence, Italy


Unknown said...

This is really a very unusual building.

Southhamsdarling said...

That's a very unusual Church, Ann. I wonder how many St Nicholas Churches there are altogether around the world? I don't know what's happened, because I have come to you from your comment on my post. Although I am a follower of yours, your blog hasn't been coming up on my blog roll. :(

Southhamsdarling said...

I've re-followed you again today, so hopefully this will solve the problem!! Hope that's okay.

My Mind's Eye said...

Absolutely gorgeous. I love the aqua blue ceiling.

PS Thank you for your kind comments my kitchen. In 2006 when our old kitchen was gutted, I had to stay with my g-parents for an entire month....but the peeps came to visit me.
Madi MOL

Lois Evensen said...

Fascinating story about this one!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

GOOD MORNING DEAREST ANN! Oh, don't you wish you could just walk ONE DAY back at the time when these structures were built, or back in the time of CHRIST HIMSELF or the apostles? It looks like such a beautiful place...you always evoke a new kind of fairytale in me with your images of a past that I hope, is PRESENT in our hearts today, making our minds and bodies sanctuaries for Christ. Be well, and EDWARD TOO!!! Anita

Liesl said...

Beautiful pictures...I have also not seen any of your posts on my blog roll,even though I am a follower...

Tony Van Helsing said...

That's quite a church.

Out on the prairie said...

A country that doesn't stand out in the limelight much. Eastern Europe is cheap to travel in.

Sherry Sikstrom said...

Unique building and a very interesting bit of history

Dogwood said...

Oh, so lovely.
I am really enjoying learning from you.
Hugs, Dogwood

Ann said...

another beautiful church. Quite unique

imac said...

Thats an amazing and beautiful church Ann.

Miss Hillbilly said...

I love it when you post these churches. I've always loved old buildings/especially churches.

I wonder if people are not getting my posts. How odd. Maybe we should unfollow and refollow people on occasion.

I have a blog link that I thought you might be interested in. This post especially...


Mandie said...

What a beautiful church. And I love that they still have doors and such from the old church, very special!

Zuzana said...

Stunning architecture so well fitted the natural beauty of the surroundings. The interior has almost a medieval feel to it.;)
I love visiting the world of churches with you, dear Ann.;)
So glad that Edward is doing well, give him a big kiss from Batcat and me.;))

Pat said...

Beautiful church..

k said...

is there one in switzerland do you think??

Cindy Adkins said...

Wow, this is so interesting and what a beautiful church.
I hope that you're having a happy day!!!

Stacey said...

What a masterpiece of a church! I'm in awe of the architecture. Hope you're doing well-kiss Edward for me:-)