Monday, February 14, 2011

St. Nicholas Churches Around the World - Prague, Czech Republic

St. Nicholas Church
Prague, Czech Republic
 Images Courtesy: Prague Experience
Located at the Old Town Square in the beautiful city of Prague this outstanding Baroque church was completed in 1735. It replaced a church dating back to the 13th century. It has a long history and is today both a church and a venue for concerts - classical ones that reflect the architecture. Definitely a destination for those blessed to travel to the gorgeous city of Prague.
I chose this St. Nicholas church today because the interior reminds me of a - Valentine's Day card! 
There were many St. Valentines but the one whose feast is most likely commemorated today was a Christian Priest who was arrested in Rome for marrying Christian couples and helping people in general. The emperor Claudius II was impressed with the saint but when St. Valentine told the emperor about God this otherwise fine emperor became fearful and had the saint beaten and decapitated...
St. Valentine was martyred outside of Rome in around AD 272. He was an older contemporary of St. Nicholas.
Happy Valentine's Day!


Diane said...

Interesting St Valentine's info. Unusual style for a church but it is beautiful. Diane

Franz said...

I visited this church a few years ago, is wonderful!
Happy Valentine's day!


Zuzana said...

Yay, that I know this church!! I have visited it numerous times and been within its opulent walls, as I have spent my childhood in Prague and now my parents live there.
THANK you for making my Monday morning, hope yours is great too.;)

Ida said...

What a beautiful church!! Thanks for St.Valentine's info - didn't know the poor man was decapitated! :(

My Mind's Eye said...

I am thrilled to say I have actually visited this St. Nicholas church.
We were in Prague in 1999. What a gorgeous city full of beautiful architecture!! They Czech people are so very friendly and proud of their home.
Happy Valentine's Day.
Madi and Mom

Mandie said...

Happy Valentine's Day to you too! Those churches are beautiful for sure. I love to read about all of the different saints.

Bethany said...

It DOES look like a vintagey Victorianish Valentine's card!

Carver said...

That's a beautiful church and a great post for today. Happy valentine's day!

Ann said...

what a gorgeous church that is The inside is amazing.

Lois Evensen said...

What a gorgeous church! Happy Valentine's Day.

Dogwood said...

it is absolutely beautiful.
I love the lines, color, shadows and everything about it. I keep looking and each times see more unusual details.


Natasha in Oz said...

Wow, what a stunning building! Isn't the architecture incredible. I'd better put that place down on my list of places to see! Thanks for the tour!

Best wishes always,

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

HAPPY VALENTINES DAY ANN!!!! Hugs to you and YOUR KITTY!!! Anita

Carole Burant said...

Happy Valentine's Day, dear Ann:-) Make sure you come over to pick up your Valentine!!

How I'd love to be able to go visit that church, the architecture inside and outside is exquisite. I always find it so amazing that buildings built so long ago are still standing and still being used. xoxo

Stacey said...

I loved hearing that story( i learned something new today-well, i always do when i come here:-)). The church is stunning, especially the interior! I hope you had a great Valentine's Day Ann! XX

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Oh Ann.. What a beautiful church!
lovely post. Wishing you a Happy Valentine's Day

k said...

wow you could stare at that for years and still find something new i'm sure!

Carole Poirot said...

This one is so beautiful, it really looks romantic with all the amazing details - stunning! Have a lovely week xo

Remington said...

Beautiful! Great post!

savvycityfarmer said...

I just saw a lovely tv tour of prague ...
it was charming!!!

Elaine said...

That is one gorgeous church!

Cindy Adkins said...

Hi Ann,
I hope you had a Happy Valentine's Day!!! What a beautiful church in these pictures and also so interesting about these 2 being contemporaries.

Please give Edward a special hug for me!!!

Duni said...

Hi Ann,

I visited Prague with my mom a couple of years ago. It's a gorgeous city with lots of beautiful architecture. It was only a short stay, so we didn't go inside all the historic buildings.
The church is magnificent!

I read your previous post and pray Edward overcomes his health issues. Sending many blessings and love ♥


Half-heard in the Stillness said...

What a lovely building! I lived in Czechoslovakia for two years many moons ago, so long ago now that I have lost the memory of whether I visited here or not.
Maybe not then Ann, as surely I would have remembered such a wondrous place!

Hope you had a romantic Valentines Day, and hoping dear Edward continues to thrive. He's a Star!

Hugs Jane

Burlap Luxe said...

Hi Ann,
Oh my I am so sorry for such a long wait in making a visit to you.

Thank you so much for your peacefully soulful comment on my works of art.

It has slipped my mind the joy of visiting you and your writings ;)

Hope ypour Valentine was a beautiful one.

What a link between St. Nicholas, and St. Valentine. I so remember doing a 4th grade school report with my daughter on St. J Valentine yet now she is in college :)
Keep up your beautiful work.

Sonia said...

Dear Ann, thank you for finding my blog and for following it. Now following you back. I was so happy to see you post about the St. Nicholas church in Prague! I actually went to that church a few years ago, during a summer in Prague, to hear the Mozart Requiem. Also, I LOVE St. Nicholas ever since I was a child in Romania. Every December, on the 5th, I would polish my boots and place them strategically by the window for the Saint to bring me gifts. My parents and I still remember those days fondly, and I can't wait to have children of my own to teach them the tradition ;-).

hugs from Japan,

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Teeeheee...I see sir Edward on his paper bag..what a cute kitty.....Oh dearest Ann, thank you for coming on by for a Valentines wish!!! Yes, Ruben and I met 31 years ago on Valentines Day at.....CHURCH! I cannot believe those many years have past us by. I still feel 25!!! We will be celebrating our 29th wedding anniversary on March 6. SO, LIFE HAS BEEN GOOD. How are you dearest? ENJOY YOUR EVENING! Anita

Mary N. said...

Wow! You have some great pictures of St. Nicholas Churches on your site! This one's amazing!

Natasha in Oz said...

I knew I'd seen this post before (my avatar has since been deleted I see!). I can't believe my daughter is singing there today! I'm so glad I found this post-thank you!

Best wishes,
Natasha in Oz